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Showing posts from November, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Own Cryptocurrency without Writing a Line of Code

The advancement of the Blockchain technology creates new opportunities for new and existing businesses. One of the first use cases of Blockchain technology was to create a cryptocurrency. Do you have this great new business idea or getting ready to launch a startup, and you want to embrace the new world and create your own cryptocurrency? Do you have an existing business and want to know how to capitalize on a cryptocurrency without writing a single line of code? We will guide you along the journey and help you in all aspects of cryptocurrency creation and distribution. You will learn how coins and tokens differ and show you how to easy it is to use our solution to create your own cryptocurrency and determine whether your business needs it. Let’s dive into everything you need to know to build a successful cryptocurrency. Watch How To? What is a Currency? A currency is a unit of storage and a means of exchange. In simple terms, it is a universally accepted